Thursday, January 08, 2009

Update on Grandpa and Baby update

Just a quick update...Grandpa is doing about the same. He is very swollen today due to the fluid build up in his lungs. They are hoping that if he is stable tomorrow to be able to pull some of the fluid off. The doctor is thinking now that it is not pneumonia, but it is the cancer moving into his good lung. So only time will tell. And only God knows how long we have left. I appreciate your prayers and thoughts and messages. I was listening to a song my aunt was playing on the piano today..."For I am sheltered in the Arms of God" I truly hope Grandpa is feeling the sheltering from the Almighty today. I believe he is ready to go to Heaven....and I know he would love to go...but He also loves life and his family. But that song today just really meant alot to me.

IN OTHER GOOD NEWS.......I go to the doc tomrrow and hope to find out what this little "package" is!!!! We are very anxious! I would love to hear your guesses. SO far BOYS are winning in the guesses I have heard.

Here are some Stats to base your decison on:

I have continued to be queasy, even though it is better than it was

Sweets make me queasy more than anything...even though I still try to eat them

I LOVE lots of salads and pinapple and oranges. Lots of leafy greens and tomatoes and pickles on my sandwich.

I have been sleeping about the same, don't get tired till late...but would love an afternnon nap!!!

I am more short of breath than normal.

From feelings I think I am carrying low...but how am I to know I have never been pregnant before?????

My hair is geting thicker and is more silky.

Maybe you "OLD WIVES TALES" followers will have some guesses and I hope to post tomorrow evening what we are having.

ALSO, Jonathan and I get to practice tomorrow night on being parents. Jonathan and Caroline are going snow tubing and are leaving baby Jonny with us!!! OVERNITE!!!! I am so excited and so is Jonathan. Jonny is 1 and is walking now. So we are going to have a ball. I will have pictures of our evening!


Sandra Pyle said...

My, hair only changed when I was pregnant with Rebecca, so I'll go with a GIRL!

Scott & Lynnette said...

I'm guessing girl too! My hair didn't change with Kaiden at all. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

IT's a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1